The General Social Survey (2004) asked those over 15 in Niagara about their feelings of staying home alone in the evening or at night.  In 2004, 19% said they felt worried and 80% were not at all worried. Of the Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs) reporting, the lowest ratings were from Saint Johns (14% worried; 85% not at all). Those reporting being the most worried were from Windsor (27%) and Oshawa (26%).


When asked about their feelings of safety waiting for or using public transportation alone after dark 13% in Niagara reported feeling worried and 14% were not at all worried. Of the CMAs reporting, the lowest ratings were in Saint Johns (7% worried; 14% not at all). The most worried were from large cities: Toronto (26%), Winnipeg (26%), and Vancouver (30%).


When asked about their feelings of safety walking alone in the neighnourhood after dark in Niagara, 32% reported feeling very safe; 42% reasonably safe; and 13% somewhat safe. 14% would not walk alone after dark.


When asked about their perception of the job being done by local police in enforcing laws 56% of those in Niagara said they did a good job (lower than many other CMAs); 34% an average job; and 6% felt they did a poor job.


Figure 9

Figure 10


Rating: 3

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