- Information needs to be gathered on the variability across the region in regards to literacy, low income, poverty, education, health and employment in each municipality and even broken down further into how neighbourhoods are doing.
- Information is needed on local Green House Gas Emissions and other environmental monitoring data related to the quality of the air and water for Niagara.
- Data needs to be collected in a consistent manner over a period of time for comparative purposes.
- A survey of social capital needs to be conducted at the regional level to explore aspects of civic engagement, the development of social networks and the experiences of inclusion, belonging, trust, and reciprocity.
- We need information on the number of youth leaving our region and why, those who stay in Niagara and why and youth who are attracted to Niagara and why. In addition, we need information on young peoples’ experience starting work life, financial life and adult life in Niagara.
- We need more data on the extent of recreational and active living opportunities in Niagara and their accessibility and contributions to the health of individuals and the community.
- We need more information on those who live below the poverty line and the picture of homelessness, child poverty and going hungry in Niagara.
- We need more data on mental health issues and challenges in Niagara.
- We need more data on the trends and impact of having a growing senior’s population.
- We need more data on leadership and the actual makeup of the boards and decision making bodies in Niagara to see if we have diversity in leadership and representation.
- The Niagara Region needs to continue to develop the GIS system to make regional maps, information and reports available regarding the region and data available about how we are doing compared to other municipalities in Canada and Ontario.
- Statistics Canada should make their tables and analysis available more quickly and accessible to all
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