The Composite Learning Index: The Canadian Council on Learning provided a Composite Learning Index (CLI) as a measure of learning across 4,700 Canadian cities to compare progress at the local and national levels. CLI has been found to correlate with greater economic and social success in an area. Canada’s progress on the CLI is at a stand still in 2010 and there has only been marginal progress over the last 5 years (a score of 75 in 2009 and 2010).
St. Catharines had an overall score of 80 in 2010 (79 in 2006, 77 in 2008), which is above the Canadian average. We are the same in the areas of doing; above in learning to live together and learning to be; and below in learning to know. See below what indicators are covered in each dimension and the ratings for areas in Niagara.
LEARNING TO KNOW – school-based learning includes indicators: student skills in reading, math and problem solving; secondary school drop-out rates; completion of university program; attendance at post-secondary institution.
LEARNING TO DO – work-related learning includes indicators: adult participation in job-related training; availability of training in the workplace.
LEARNING TO LIVE TOGETHER – community and interpersonal learning includes indicators: volunteering; charitable donations; and spending on memberships and organizations.
LEARNING TO BE – personal development includes indicators: spending on reading materials, on the internet, sports and arts including spending on museums.
Source: and