Employment service providers and educators in Niagara are collaborating to better understand local labour market trends and skills gaps. Their work together informs regular Labour Market Update reports issued by the Niagara Workforce Planning Board, part of the Workforce Planning Ontario network, funded by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities under Employment Ontario. www.niagaraworkforceboard.ca
The collaborative work of these groups intersects with that of people and organizations working in all 12 Living in Niagara Sectors, as is evidenced by the information found in the Living in Niagara report www.livinginniagarareport.com and its companion tool for evidence-informed planning in the Niagara context, the Niagara Knowledge Exchange (NKE) www.niagaraknowledgeexchange.com. These tools are powered by Niagara Connects, a Niagara-wide network of people for collaboration, planning, learning, innovation and community action toward a stronger future for Niagara. Niagara Connects helps to foster a culture of Niagara-focused research and evidence-informed planning to support community action. www.niagaraconnects.ca