Canada’s three largest Census Metropolitan Areas (CMAs), Toronto, Montréal and Vancouver, are perceived as the culture capitals of our nation, and they led all CMAs in terms of numbers of workers and percent of their labour forces engaged in culture industries in 2001. Together, these cities accounted for 64% of all CMA culture industry workers. However, Niagara was known for having the highest per-capita spending for arts and culture in Canada ($51 per person), followed by Winnipeg ($45 per person) and Ottawa–Hull ($44 per person). Source: Statistics Canada, Census 2006
In Canada, live performances accounted for almost half the revenue of for-profit and non-for-profit performing arts in 2004 (up 4% over 2003 and up 26% than 2001). Grants, subsidies and donations from various government and private sector sources made up 27% of the total revenue (down 6% over 2006). The Provincial government was the largest financial contributor to not-for-profit companies in 2004 (46% of public sector support).
Rating: 4