In Niagara, as in the rest of Canada, employment opportunities and earnings are different and more challenging for women, immigrants, the Aboriginal population and those with disabilities. Source: Statistics Canada, 2003 (Cat No. 89-587-XIE


In 2001, Canada had an employment rate of 61.5%, while recent immigrants had an employment rate of 56.5%.; Aboriginal people (49.7%); people with disabilities (41.5%) and lone parent families (61.5%). Source: Statistics Canada, 2001


Women and employment …
In 2005, 58% of men and 42% of women made up the workforce. However, 68% of women worked part-time compared to 32% of men. In Niagara, 78% of females worked full-time in 2005 (CRIAW, 2006), compared to 80.5% in Windsor, 81.9% in Ontario and 81.6% in Hamilton. A majority of women work in retail sales, education, health industries and small firms. Source: Statistics Canada, 2001, 2005.


Immigrants  …
The unemployment rate of Niagara’s most recent immigrants is 12%, close to double the general population. The rate was 13% in Ontario (TOP Report, NTAB, January, 2007). In 2005, 29.8% of recent immigrant male university graduates worked in occupations requiring no more than high school education (twice the rate of 11.5% of their Canadian counterparts). Recent immigrant women with a university education were employed on low-skilled jobs. Source: Statistics Canada, 2006 ; Catalogue no. 97-563-x


Older workers …
In Canada, in 2007, 8.9% of those over 65 years of age worked; up from 7.5% in 2003. Source: Statistics Canada, CANSIM 282-0002


Persons with disabilities …
The unemployment rate for people with disabilities in general is at least 50% nationally and provincially. Source: ON Association of Food Banks, 2006.


Aboriginal population …
In Niagara, the unemployment rate for the Aboriginal population was 10%, a full 4% higher than the general population (NTAB, 2007).


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