Having opportunities to work, contribute and earn a living wage are important to the well being of a family, an individual and a community. The sustainability of a community is reliant on the employment of its citizens and putting their talents and human capital into creative and purposeful work. 


What we are doing well …
Niagara has a skilled labour force in some areas and has an Economic Development Council, Regional Council, City Councils, a college, a university and community groups working on further economic and skills development. Many organizations are dedicated to assisting clients with employment and language training. A Niagara Immigrant Employment Council (NIEC) was established to enhance the integration of the skills of immigrants in Niagara through employment. The Niagara Training and Adjustment Board (NTAB), now called the Niagara Workforce Planning Board, conduct studies related to general labor force trends and in specific sectors and with specific populations. There is evidence of collaborative planning to work on employment and labour force strategies for Niagara. While jobs are decreasing in some areas, they are increasing in other sectors.


Where we could improve …
While we have many groups working on employment issues, it is challenging to create overall Niagara collaborative and effective planning initiatives. Our tourism and service sectors have increased labour needs, while our manufacturing sector has diminished. We have an educated immigrant population who cannot have their prior credentials recognized for a faster integration into the appropriate labour area. Our youth often leave our region to seek employment after graduation. The employment and earnings of women lags behind that of men.


Overall score: Level 2. Of concern, needs attention.

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