In 2010, according to the General Social Survey (GSS) released July 2011, the average time spent, ( in hours and minutes) per day by Canadians on various activities was reported as follows:
- Passive leisure – watching TV 2:06
- Passive leisure – reading books, magazines, newspapers :20
- Passive leisure – other :03
- Active leisure – sports :30
- Active leisure computer use :20
- Active leisure – video games – :09
- Active leisure – other:- :14
- Socializing in restaurants – :17
- Socializing in homes – 1:07
- Work – 7:46
- Work – paid 3:37
- Activities related to work (commuting) – :25
- Unpaid work – 3:34
- Personal care activities – 10:45
- Housework and related activities – 3:11
- Civic and voluntary activities – :23
- Educations and related activities – :36
- Night sleep – 8:17
- Meals – 1:02
Source: General Social Survey, 2010
In the previous GSS, the activities reported by those over 15 years of age, in order of preference were:
- Readingbooks magazines and newspapers (88%)
- Listening to music on CDs, cassette tapes, DVD compact discs, records (83%)
- Watching a video (rented, purchased, VHS or DVD formats) (80%)
- Watching a movie at a theatre or drive-in (59%)
- Visiting a conservation area or nature park (52%)
Ontario and British Columbia were the only provinces where heritage activity (visiting a conservation area or nature park) attracted over half of the population. The main heritage activities reported were visits to museums, public art galleries and historic sites.
Source: The Hill Strategies Report – Profile of cultural and Heritage Activities in Ontario, 2007 from Statistics Canada General Social Surveys 1992 and 2005.