A community thrives if there are opportunities for leadership at all levels and involving the rich diversity of individual voices, ideas, input and decision making.

Leadership Niagara brings together individuals recognized as emerging and aspiring leaders, and gives them the opportunity to explore, strengthen and apply enhanced leadership skills in a 10 month – 10 day program. The program is a combination of experiential and skills-based learning, community involvement, readings, personal reflection and practical engagement. The learning days are facilitated by a broad range of leading local academic, business and community experts. The participants are from public, private and not-for-profit sectors.


In Niagara, as of 2011, of 104 Councillors elected across the region 82 (78.8%) are male and 22 (21.1%) are female. All present elected provincial and federal representatives in Niagara are male. We have little data on the diversity related to gender, age, ethnicity and other diversity representations on Niagara’s boards and decision making bodies across Niagara.

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