Calls to Police Ambulance and Fire

The 2012 OMBI (Ontario Municipal CAO’s Benchmarking Initiative) Performance Report describes Emergency Medical Services (EMS) as follows:

Emergency Medical Services (EMS), often referred to as ambulance or paramedic services, provides emergency care to stabilize a patient’s condition, initiates rapid transport to hospitals, and facilitates both emergency and non-emergency transfers between medical facilities.

Influencing factors affecting emergency response times include demographics (age and health status of population); dispatch; governance; hospital delay; non-residents (eg. tourists may increase call volume but are not reflected in the measures); specialized services, mix of urban vs. rural geography; and vehicle mix.

emergency medical services

Source: OMBI Performance Measurement Report
Retrieved From:

Police Officers Per 100,000 Population in Niagara

The 2012 OMBI (Ontario Municipal CAO’s Benchmarking Initiative) Performance Measurement Report indicates that in 2012 there were 229 Total Police Staff (Officers and Civilians) per 100,000 Population in the Niagara Region. This compares to 230 per 100,000 Population in 2010 and 230 in 2011.

Source: OMBI Performance Measurement Report, 2012
Retrieved From:

EMS Response Times

In 2010, 2011 and 2012, Niagara Region EMS Response Times were lower than those for other Ontario municipalities included in the OMBI (Ontario Municipal CAO’s Benchmarking Initiative). They were also lower than the median response times. The following charts illustrate the data.

emergency medical services

Source: OMBI Performance Measurement Report, 2012
Retrieved From:

emergency medical services

Source: OMBI Performance Measurement Report, 2012
Retrieved From:

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