Motor Vehicle Accidents and Fatalities

Fatal Injury Collisions in Niagara: A 15-year Analysis was released in May of 2014 by the Niagara Regional Police Service. It includes the following data and description:

As can be seen in figure 1, from 1999 through 2013 there were 388 collisions resulting in 419 fatal injuries in Niagara (or, on average 27.9 deceased persons each year). These fatalities ranged from a high of 39 in 2002 to a low of 16 in 2011. However when we partition the data into three five-year periods, we find that during the time-period 1999-2003 there were 149 fatal collisions or on average 33.6 fatal collisions per year; 2004-2008 there were 145 fatal collisions or on average 29.0 fatal collisions per year; and between 2009-2013 there were 94 fatal collisions or on average 18.8 fatal collisions. This suggests that, while still high, during the last five years Niagara’s fatalities have actually declined significantly.

fatalities in niagara 2014


Source: Niagara Regional Police Service, Fatal Injury Collisions in Niagara: A 15-year Analysis, May, 2014
Retrieved From:

The following information is also included in the Transportation and Mobility Sector of this report.

This table shows Niagara-wide collisions data from the MTO Ontario Road Safety Annual Report, 2011.

Table 4.1: Place of Collision – Class of Collision, Persons Killed, Injured and Motor Vehicle Registrations, 2011MTO Ontario Road Safety Report, 2011

Place of Collision Total Collisions Class of Collision Persons Motor Vehicle Registrations*
Fatal Personal Injury Property Damage Killed Injured
Fort Erie T 293 1 52 240 1 67
Grimsby T 224 0 41 183 0 55
Lincoln T 166 0 20 146 0 22
Niagara Falls C 1163 3 146 1014 3 178
Niagara-On-The-Lake T 195 0 28 167 0 36
Pelham T 157 0 20 137 0 22
Port Colborne C 137 0 22 115 0 25
St. Catharines C 1598 5 197 1396 5 260
Thorold C 183 0 16 167 0 17
Wainfleet TP 59 1 10 48 1 15
Welland C 567 0 72 495 0 87
West Lincoln TP 138 5 21 112 5 29
Provincial Highway 1099 3 236 860 3 343
Other Areas 63 0 13 50 0 20
Niagara Total 6042 18 894 5130 18 1176 326076

Source: Ontario Ministry of Transportation
Retrieved From:

An archive of traffic reports and accidents on Ontario highways and specifically Niagara can be found here.

First NRPS Collision Reporting Centre Established in Welland
Establishment of the first NRPS Collision Reporting Centre in Welland increases convenience for citizens and allows police to redeploy valuable front-line resources to help achieve its community policing goals, including greater road safety.

Source: NRPS
Retrieved From:

Impaired Driving

Statistics Canada reports the following data for the St. Catharines-Niagara CMA (census metropolitan area) – Note: does not include Grimsby and West Lincoln.

Incident-Based Crime Statistics, By Detailed Violations
Violations= Total impaired driving
Statistics= Rate per 100,000 population (rate); annual unless otherwise noted

Geography347 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Canada50 262.58 256.52 260.92 242.13 222.97
Ontario7 140.08 131.47 129.90 128.21 116.75
Kingston, Ontario8 97.18 64.55 94.13 74.04 71.35
Hamilton, Ontario33 128.59 116.78 113.45 110.60 107.30
St.Catharines-Niagara, Ontario 167.20 165.67 158.31 148.52 132.70
Kitchener-Cambridge-Waterloo, Ontario 137.38 129.41 130.79 119.14 103.60
Windsor, Ontario 105.20 100.46 96.89 77.09 97.85
Sudbury, Ontario 117.44 114.73 125.04 113.35 107.89

Source: Statistics Canada
Retrieved From:

2013 R.I.D.E. Statistics
The Niagara Regional Police Service reports the following R.I.D.E. program statistics for 2013:

R.I.D.E.’s Conducted 16
Vehicles Checked 4,000
Roadside Tests 173
3 Day Suspension 30
Impaired Driving Arrests 14
Liquor Licence Act 21

Source: NRPS 2013 Annual Report
Retrieved From:

Distracted Driving

Think and Drive Campaign Shifts Part of Focus to Distracted Driving
In 2014, the Niagara Regional Road Safety Committee announced that it is shifting part of the focus of its Think and Drive Campaign to the problem of distracted driving. The Committee includes members from the NRPS, OPP, Niagara Parks Police, CAA Niagara and Niagara Region’s Public Works and Public Health Departments.

An August, 2014 media event to highlight this increased focus on combating this problem stated that distracted driving is now a factor in up to 50 per cent of all collisions in Ontario, and distracted driving collisions are on the rise despite legislation banning hand-held devices while driving.

According to the OPP, the number of collisions involving distracted driving was higher than both impaired and speed-related fatalities in 2013. In Niagara, youth 16-25 years of age are significantly more likely to text and drive than the adult population.

Source: Niagara Region
Retrieved From:

CAA Niagara Members Say Research shows Distracted Driving of Concern
In 2013, the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) worked with Leger Research Intelligence Group to survey members about road safety, both in the national and local context.

According to the 2013 CAA ‘Members Say’ report, results for Niagara show:

  • 93% of respondents believe text messaging/emailing while driving is a very serious threat to their personal safety; and
  • 89% of respondents believe Text messaging/emailing while driving is a much bigger problem when compared to 3 years ago.

Source: CAA Niagara
Retrieved From:

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