Holistic Wellness Initiative for Post-Secondary Students in Niagara
Brock and Niagara College received $377,964 from the Ontario Ministry of Colleges, Training and Universities to develop an online portal and face-to-face information sessions designed to address the mental health and addictions concerns of post-secondary students in Niagara. The Holistic Wellness Initiative will be built upon Aboriginal understanding of wellness.
Source: Brock University
Retrieved From: http://brocku.ca/government-relations/government-support/mental-health-portal
NCDSB Mental Health and Addictions Support Plan
The Niagara Catholic District School Board (NCDSB) published a Mental Health and Addictions Support Plan in 2013. Through the charisms of faith, social justice, support and leadership, recognizes and honours the responsibility of the entire community to reach out in faith, hope and love to serve those members struggling with mental health and addiction challenges.
Source: NCDSB
Retrieved From: http://www.niagaraknowledgeexchange.com/resources-publications/mental-health-and-addictions-support-plan/
Niagara Mental Health and Addictions Charter
The Niagara Mental Health and Addictions Charter launched in May, 2014. The community-driven Charter’s 9 Principles mark the collective commitment of over 65 diverse organizations to strengthening the continuum of mental wellness promotion, mental illness prevention and mental health and addictions services in Niagara.
The Implementation Phase of the Charter began in the fall of 2014. Student mental wellness is one area of focus for the Charter Implementation Plan.
Source: Niagara Connects
Retrieved From: http://www.niagaraknowledgeexchange.com/community-blog/may-28-2014-launch-of-the-niagara-mental-health-and-addictions-charter/