Belonging & Leadership 2008
Introduction to Belonging & Leadership
A community builds what is called social capital when its citizens have a well developed sense of civic responsibility and [...]
Belonging & Leadership 2008
A community builds what is called social capital when its citizens have a well developed sense of civic responsibility and [...]
Volunteering enriches the volunteer and contributes much to the community, the local economy and the non-profit sector to build the [...]
Niagara residents have increased the amount they give to charity each year from 2001 to 2006. The median charitable donation [...]
Civic participation builds the capacity of a community and a nation. One way to exercise civic participation is through engaging [...]
In 2005, 69.9% in Niagara reported they had a very strong or somewhat strong sense of belonging to their local [...]
It takes trust in one another to build a safe community where everyone feels comfortable to engage with others and [...]
Being socially connected with families, friends and with community contacts through social institutions, clubs and organizations fosters social interaction, increases [...]
Having a religious affiliation is believed to be of benefit to the individual, but also to support building social networks, [...]