The volume of traffic onNiagararoads is measured by the number of times (in thousands) that a vehicle travels over each lane kilometre of road. The figure gives an indication of the municipality’s road congestion.Niagara’s volume of traffic was 1, 248 in 2007, 1, 255 in 2009 and rose to 1,403 in 2010. Our figure is close to the provincial average, Durham Region andWaterloo. Niagara traffic volume is below most areas inOntarioexceptLondon, Peel, Halton,TorontoandWindsorthat have a much higher volume of traffic.

Figure 2.8


The above figure shows the number of times (in thousands) that a vehicle travels over each lane kilometer of road. This is an indication of a municipality’s road congestion.  Source: OMBI 2009.

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