Water is treated through Niagara Region treatment plants and it is reported to be safe to consume. It is recognized that it is more effective to protect our water from contaminants in the first place. We need fresh water in Niagara for drinking and household, agricultural, industrial and recreational uses. Approximately 10% of water used is for residential use in Canada. Canadians get a majority of their water from surface sources such as lakes, rivers and reservoirs. Pressure on groundwater (drawn from aquifiers by wells) is increasing rapidly in Canada. The use of water for different purposes is presented below.
Figure 3.1 Percentage use of water for different purposes.
Niagara Region’s total water use decreased from 481 litres per capita per day in 2005 to 424 litres in 2006.Canada’s daily domestic use was 343 litres per person andNiagararemains well above the average use.
Source: OMBI 2009
According to the international Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Canada is the second highest consumer per capita of water in the world out of 29 nations. Only the USA uses more water than Canadians. In terms of total water consumption, we have increased by 25.7% since 1980 (OCED has increased 4.5%). Canada uses 1,600 cubic metres of water per person per year (more than twice the average person from France, 3x the average German; almost 4x the average Swede; and more than 8x the average Dane. We use more water and pay less for it. Canada’s consumption was 65% above the OECD average.
Source: http://www.environmentalindicators.com/htdocs/indicators/6wate.htm