Niagara costs of treating and disposing of wastewater are much more expensive at $429, compared to the $264 provincial OMBI average. It has remained higher since 2002 and the cost is now significantly above the provincial average.

Table 3.1 Operating costs for waste water treatment and disposal per megalitre






2006 2007 2008 2009
Niagara $223.04 $251.76 $294.22 $292.54 $305 $390 $311 $429
OMBI $189.00 $201.53 $249.89 $255.35 $259 $271 $278 $264

Source: OMBI 2009 Report

Figure   3.4 Operating Cost for the Distribution/Transmission of Drinking Water per Km of Water Distribution Pipe (MPMP)


Source: OMBI 2009 Report


The above figure shows the average cost per kilometer of water distribution/transmission to customers. Costs include the provision of water from the water treatment plant to the customer. Information is shown separately for Integrated Systems and for the Region’s responsible for water treatment, transmission and storage only.

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