Niagara’s incidence of invasive primary cancer per 100,000 persons from 2001-2003 was below Ontario’s rate, reaching its highest in 2001 at 388.9 per 100,000 of the population.
Source: Statistics Canada CANSIM no. 103-0403
According to a Niagara Region Public Health Report on Health Indicators (2007), a total of 2,274 cases of cancer were diagnosed in Niagara in 2003. For both men and women, 3 cancers accounted for over half of the cases. Of the total cancers in males, 57% of the cancers were made up of 3 cancers; prostate (28%), lung (15%), and colorectal (14%). Similarly, 53% of all cancer in women were attributable to breast (28%), lung (13%), or colorectal cancers (12%).These 3 cancers accounted for over 50% of all cancer deaths in men (N=566) and women (N=488) in 2003. Breast cancer rates for females were 38.2 per 100,000 population and 39.2 per 100,000 for prostrate cancer in males. Prostrate cancer had a 1.8% increase since 1986 and breast cancer did not have a significant increase.
Observed rates of death by leading cause per 100,000 population in Niagara Region in 2001 were: ischemic heart disease (225.1 males; 220.3 females); lung cancer (48.8 males; 68.8 females); cerebrovascular disease (79.2 males; 46.3 females); and chronic lung disease (32.7 males; 45.4 females). Lung cancer was involved in about one quarter of all cancer deaths. Tobacco use, diet (including alcohol consumption) and lack of physical activity are associated with over 50% of all cancer deaths in the industrial world (Targeting Cancer, 2003). Smoking accounts for 90% of lung cancers and it is estimated that 30% of all cancers could be prevented by not smoking. Source: Niagara Region Public Health (2007).
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