Our LHIN rates in 2005 are higher for arthritis and rheumatism (21.5 compared to 17.5), heart disease (8.4 compared to 7.2) and high blood pressure (15.8 to 14.7) than those of the province. Our rates for diabetes (4.2 compared to 4.6) and asthma (8.4 to 7.2) are slightly lower than that of Ontario.Rates of chronic bronchitis are similar to Ontario’s. Chronic conditions require ongoing education, treatment and care and numbers will increase in an aging population.

Figure 14   2005 Prevalence of chronic Conditions Population age 12+



The leading cause of hospital separations for children 1 to 9 years of age in Niagara and Ontario in 2004 per 100,000 populations was for respiratory disease (10.5 in Niagara and 8.5 in Ontario), followed by digestive disease (4.8 in Niagara and 3.1 in Ontario).  Source: Niagara Region Public Health, Community Health Profile, Health Status Indicator, from Hospital Inpatient Data (2004). Provincial Health Planning Database (PHPDB)            

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