According to our Local Health Integrated Network (LHIN, 2005) that includes Niagara, female life expectancy at birth is 81.5 years in HNHB and 82.1 years in Ontario. Life expectancy for males was 76.8 years and 71.5 years in Ontario. The 2005 lifestyle indicators for the LHIN are:


  • 19.2% report being daily smokers compared to 16.8% in the province (in 2004, 22% in Canada reported smoking daily or occasionally; 21% in Ontario and 24% in Niagara).
  • 10.7% of non-smokers report being exposed to second hand smoke at home
  • 43.2% of the population report being physically inactive (47.1% in the province)
  • 41.7% report eating 5 portions of fruit and vegetables daily
  • 23.6% report having a lot of life stress
  • 23.4 % report being heavy drinkers of alcohol


Figure 13   2005 Health Practices age 12+ 

Source: Population Health Profile, HNHB, LHIN


Rating of perceived health status: 57.4% rated their health as excellent or very good in Niagara compared to 56.8% in Ontario and 65% in Canada in 2005; 31.9% rated their health as good compared to 30.9% in Ontario; and 11.3% rated it as fair or poor in Niagara compared to 11.6% in Ontario. Of those 12 to 44 years of age in Niagara, 64% rated their health as excellent or very good compared to 53.8% of those 45 to-64 years of age. Source: Canadian Community Health Survey, Statistics Canada reported by Niagara Region Public Health, 2007.

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