The Niagara Region is noted for having high obesity rates and there is a growing concern about obesity in the younger population. An estimated 51.5% of adults are reported to be in the obese or overweight Body Mass Index (BMI) categories in our LHIN (16% obese and 39% overweight) (55% in Niagara in 2004). Obesity has risen from 2001-2005 in Niagara: 2001 (14.2%); 2002 (15.5%); 2003 (16.2%); 2004 (16.3%); 2005 (19.1%). Overweight trends from 2001-2005 in Niagara were: 2001 (37.7%); 2002 (39.7%); 2003 (36.2%); 2004 (39.2%); and 2005 (40.4%).


In 2003, 29.2% of youth, 12-17 years of age in Niagara were considered to be overweight or obese compared to 21.2% in Ontario. In 2005, 21.7% of youth in Niagara were overweight or obese compared to 19.7% in Ontario. Source: Statistics Canada Canadian Community Health Survey, 2003,

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