Niagara EMS dispatch center was the first accredited centre in Ontario, in 2006 and one out of three in Canada to be officially recognized as an Accredited Centre of Excellence by the Academy of Emergency Medical Dispatch. As a result of improved call processing, new methods for vehicle deployment and redeployment, and implementation of new technologies, Niagara EMS has improved ambulance response times to 9:39 minutes and this is better than most regions in Ontario. The 2005 Ontario average time was 10:58. There may be some regional variance for rural areas and relative proximity to services.

Figure 19


In Niagara, the number of emergency calls per 100,000 population increased from 76 to 87 from 2005 to 2006 slightly below Hamilton (96), considerably below Windsor (10.4) and Sudbury (111) and higher than Waterloo(61) and Peel (56).


Figure 20




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