Residential and commercial use and disposal of high levels of pesticides for plant care is suspected to have a negative affect on the land, animals and the water. In a 2004 paper from the Ontario College of Family Physicians reviewing studies on pesticides, Gideon Foreman with the Canadian Alliance of Physicians for the Environment said children exposed to such chemicals run the high risk of developing
leukemia. Childhood non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, learning disabilities and birth defects have also been linked to pesticide use.
Niagara Region has opted to let each of the municipalities govern pesticide use. As of June, 2007, Thorold is the only municipality in Niagara taking action against cosmetic pesticide use. Since the late 1980s, the Niagara Parks Commission has reduced pesticide use by over 50% in their 1,720 hectare (4,250 acres) of parkland, with the majority of the land receiving no pesticide. An Ontario ban is being considered for 2009 and an Oracle poll in 2007 showed 71% of the public support such restrictions.
Rating: 2