Residential waste diverted from landfills by recycling and composting saves land for recreational, agricultural and housing use. In 2005, 178,857 tonnes of residential waste from residential properties with 5 or less units were managed by the Niagara Region and 20% was recycled (35,045 tonnes); 20% composted (34,999 tonnes); and 60% was sent for landfill disposal (108,813 tonnes).
In Niagara, households place an average of 1.7 waste containers at the curb every week. Based on the 2006 Stewardship Ontario Waste Audits, the following is placed in the garbage for curbside collection in Niagara: 24% recyclables; 43% organics (food waste); and 33% for waste disposal. . Source: Niagara Region Report to Council, CSD 100-2007 PWA 105-2007). According to the Report of the Waste Division Ontario, the overall Ontario residential diversion rate was 46% in 2005 and 41% in 2007. Niagara was below Ontario with a 45.10% diversion rate in 2006 and above in 2007 with a 43.3% diversion rate. Niagara Region Council has set a goal of a 65% diversion rate for the region by the year 2012, which means Niagara would have to increase its diversion rate by 21.6%. Source: OMBI, CAO 9-2008
Rating: 2