In 2005, the rate of sewer bypass was 10 times higher than the provincial average and more costly than the benchmark average of municipalities in Ontario. In Niagara, the percentage of wastewater estimated to have bypassed treatment went up as high as 3.42% in 2004 and down to 1.33% in 2006, still higher than the .95% benchmark average of Ontario municipalities. In 2007, Niagara’s wastewater bypass was 2.61% and the Ontario average bypass was lower at .47%.
Table 7 Operating costs for treatment of wastewater per megalitre treated
2002 |
2003 |
2004 |
2005 |
2006 | 2007 | |
Niagara | $223.04 | $251.76 | $294.22 | $292.54 | $304.63 | $389.06 |
OMBI average | $189.00 | $201.53 | $249.89 | $255.35 | $276.40 | $330.78 |
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