Largest employers in the Niagara Region
Larger employers: Niagara’s larger employers are no longer predominantly in manufacturing, but in hotels and tourism, education, health and municipal [...]
Larger employers: Niagara’s larger employers are no longer predominantly in manufacturing, but in hotels and tourism, education, health and municipal [...]
Shifts in the main sectors of employment in Niagara as reported by numbers employed …. In Niagara, in 2010, the [...]
Employment for specific groups in Niagara: In Niagara, as in the rest of Canada, employment opportunities and earnings are different [...]
The unemployment rate: Niagara’s unemployment rate in May of 2011 was 9.2%, higher than 8.3% for Ontario and 7.2% for [...]
The St.Catharines – Niagara CMA was well below Ontario’s bigger growth performers by far; Kichener, Sudbury and Toronto were leaders. [...]
Labour Force characteristics for St. Catharines – Niagara CMA, for population over 15 years of age (based on a monthly [...]
Regional coordination and planning: The Niagara Workforce Planning Board (NWPB) is the regional collaborating organization that leads “in the creation [...]
Health planning: In 2006, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care divided the province into 14 regions, more commonly known [...]
Hospitalization for adverse health events … Niagara data indicates we are above Ontario and Canada in rates of hospitalization of [...]
The Niagara Health System (NHS), Ontario’s largest multi-site hospital amalgamation is comprised of 7 sites and serves over 434,000 residents [...]
Health care providers in Niagara: Physicians are one important professional group involved in primary health care. It is important to [...]
Wait times for surgeries and emergency rooms … Ontario’s Wait Time Strategy was developed to improve access to 5 key [...]
Emergency response times: The Niagara Emergency Medical System (EMS) dispatch center has seen an increase in the emergency call volume [...]
Cancer rates: Niagara Region Public Health compiled a report in August, 2011 entitled Niagara Cancer Statistics, 2000-2007 (Excerpt from PHSSC [...]
Low birth weight rate: This refers to the percent of babies born weighing less than 2,500 grams. Low birth weight [...]
Mental health and mental illness: Mental illness hospitalization rates in Niagara are reported to be very high - at 616 [...]
Obesity rates: The Niagara region continues to fight rising obesity rates and the concerns that arise from increasing obesity rates [...]
Rates of chronic conditions in 2011: Rates are decreasing slightly in Niagara for arthritis (17.7% in 2009 compared to 22.2% [...]
The lifestyle indicators for Niagara, 2009 are: Tobacco use 30.1% of Niagara adults over the age of 20 reported smoking [...]
Life expectancy: According to Statistics Canada Health Profile 2011, female life expectancy at birth is 80 years in Niagara and [...]
Six new projects: In November of 2010, the Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario announced $15 million to [...]
Transitional housing initiatives: In Niagara, there are upward of 167 beds available in emergency shelters. Shelter beds use decreased by [...]
Homelessness: Being homeless means one does not have a usual and safe place to call home and to return to [...]
The term acceptable housing refers to housing that is acceptable in condition, suitable in size, and affordable. Adequate housing does [...]
The New Housing Price Index (NHPI) measures changes over time in contractors’ selling prices for new homes. The New Housing [...]
The average price to purchase a single detached home in Niagara in 2010 was $217,938 ($213,032 so far in 2011). [...]
Housing starts (including single, semi, row, apt) were up inNiagara in 2010 (1354) compared to 2009 (1015). Housing Starts declined [...]
According to the CMHC, 2011 Spring Survey, in the St. Catharines– Niagara CMA, vacancy rates were 4.8% for April, 2010 [...]
Subsidized Housing in Niagara: Niagara Regional Housing (NRH) owns 2,636 affordable housing units (504 townhouses, 350 single and semi-detached houses, [...]
Average monthly rent 1992 to 2009 in Niagara and other Canadian municipalities. Source: and Canadian Real Estate Association (MLS) May, [...]
Average market rents: The Average Market Rent (AMR) is calculated annually by Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). AMR [...]
Affordability of housing, and spending over 30% of income on housing: [pull_quote align="right"]“Housing costs can be the single largest expenditure [...]
The new 2011 Census was conducted in May of 2011 and data will be forthcoming. In Niagara, there is a [...]
Employment Services: There are several “for profit” and government-funded employment service organizations in Niagara. Organizations that are funded by the [...]
The EDI (Early Development Instrument) is largely based on the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth, and other existing [...]
Internet access and use: Access to and use of the internet adds to the education of our citizens. The internet [...]
EQAO testing results: The Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) is a provincial agency that designs and tests Grade 3 [...]
Literacy level ratings: Literacy rates in Canada are calculated on 5 levels for each of reading prose, documents, and numeracy. [...]
The Composite Learning Index: The Canadian Council on Learning provided a Composite Learning Index (CLI) as a measure of learning [...]
Arts, culture and heritage - connections with other sectors: “The cultural sector does not exist on its own, but acts [...]
In 2010, according to the General Social Survey (GSS) released July 2011, the average time spent, ( in hours and [...]
12 critical sectors that describe life in Niagara and 142 critical indicators associated with each of those sectors. Niagara as [...]